wp-centrics Fish and Ships Online Help

Fish and Ships Free vs Pro

There is two versions of Fish and Ships: Free and Pro

There is the same plugin, but PRO version comes with amazing extra features over the free: New selection methods, the ability of set different group criterion on every selection, 7 extra Special Actions and of course, upgrades and prioritary support.

However, the free version is fully functional, and is hosted on wordpress.org repository.

You can take a look about this and compare free vs pro features, here:

Prioritary support
Multilingual (WPML)
Multicurrency (see our FAQs)
Global Group-by option
Different Group-by for every selector*
Shipping cost calculation:
once, per cart items count, per weight, per price, per group or all at once
Price, Weight, Volume, Cart items
Min/Mid/Max dimension
Length+Width+Height total
In category / NOT In category,
Tagged as / NOT Tagged as
In shipping class / NOT In shipping class
Special Actions
Abort shipping method,
Ignore below rules
Skip N rules
Reset previous costs,
Set min/max rule costs
Unset match products for next rules
Show notice message
Rename title method,
Add subtitle (text under)

* The dimensions, categories, tags and shipping classes selection methods always will compare the cart items ungrouped.

Help & Support   Get the Pro version

wp-centrics Fish and Ships