We’re thrilled to share some important news: our beloved plugin “Fish and Ships” has been renamed to “Advanced Shipping Rates for WooCommerce”. But don’t worry! This is just a name change, and everything you love about the plugin remains exactly the same. We made this decision to better align the name with the plugin’s actual…
Category: Fish and Ships
Fish and Ships it’s a WooCommerce shipping method like no other: Based on table rate with multiple (as you need) conditional rules, easy to understand and easy to use, it gives you an incredible flexibility.
How to Configure Zone Shipping in WooCommerce
In this article, we’ll explain how to set up shipping methods in WooCommerce by configuring zone shipping efficiently. Learn how to master this functionality to enhance your checkout success and avoid shipping losses. WooCommerce offers an efficient system for managing the shipping methods with zone shipping, where each customer address is assigned to specific shipping…
Shipping Rates with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate
The integration of Fish and Ships with the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin by Plugin Republic transforms the way shipping rates can be calculated by leveraging custom product data. Whether you’re selling bespoke items or managing variable-weight/size products, Fish and Ships enables the creation of dynamic shipping rates tailored to customized products, providing exceptional flexibility.…
Shipping cost per product quantity range
Many online stores determine their shipping costs based on product quantity ranges, which offers customers clear and predictable pricing. In this article, we’ll explore how Shipping Costs per Product Quantity Range work and how to implement them effortlessly using the Quantity Ranges feature in Fish and Ships Pro. This feature allows you to quickly set…
Shipping Rates by Weight Chart in WooCommerce: Weight Ranges Made Easy
Most transportation agencies base their shipping rates on a weight chart per range, as it provides a clear and predictable pricing for customers. In this post, we explain how they work and how you can easily implement them with our new price Weight Ranges feature in Fish and Ships Pro. Thanks to price Weight Ranges,…
Shipping rates with Studio Wombat’s Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce
Fish and Ships has just added support for Studio Wombat’s Advanced Product Fields plugin. Thanks to this new feature, you’ll be able to condition shipping rates for products with unique and variable characteristics that influence weight, area, or size through configuration fields. These products could be rugs, tiles, flooring, or any product with configurable dimensions.…
Shipping rates by ZIP/Postcode on WooCommerce without extra Shipping Zones
In this post, will discuss how WooCommerce uses a system of Shipping Zones and Shipping Methods and explain how you can set Shipping rates by ZIP/PostCode on WooCommerce without adding extra Shipping Zones. In the first part of this post, we will discuss how WooCommerce uses a system of Shipping Zones and Shipping Methods to…
Customize Cart Messages in WooCommerce easily
In this post, we will see what are the WooCommerce Cart Messages, when and where it shown, and why you might want to customize Cart Messages in WooCommerce, and how to do it. In WooCommerce, shipping methods are an essential part of the checkout process. Customers need to know what shipping options are available and…
Cart notices with button on WooCommerce
In this post, we will cover how to set cart notices with buttons, with call to actions that can be links to other pages, or trigger a 3rd party popup (from another plugin). As we saw in this previous post: “Custom cart messages on WooCommerce”, using the Fish and Ships special action “Show notice message”…
Shipping rates by user roles in WooCommerce
Offering different shipping rates by user roles can turn guests into customers, visitors into club members or make the diference into your marketing plan. You can use it to boost your sales, increase registrations or give special treat to your community of users. In this post we will see how to do it with Fish…